Friday, February 7, 2014

Flash Fiction about the Flash

The Flash Breaks the Mirror
    Flash was running faster than possible, he was determined to win, Mirror Master was confused as to where he went.  Mirror knew Flash was fast, but he had no idea he was THIS fast.  Flash was running beyond the point of no return, he was fading, turning into pure energy.  Soon he became a new kind of energy, never know to any living creature.  Flash struck Mirror Master, shattering one half of him as well as completely melting his other half.  Although this was not murder, Mirror Master was too much of a coward.  He would never actually be in the field, he had been controlling a minion.
    The world threat had been solved, but Flash was unable to stop.  He was sprinting so fast, he had no chance of stopping without sacrificing himself.  Flash was still speeding up, because he had no chance of slowing down.  He began to break the time barrier, traveling further into the future.  He had no choice, it was either stop and face unknown consequences, or continue on, until he no longer could.  So he decided to stop.  Flash blacked out.  Nothing.  
    Flash woke up in the Bat-cave, unable to move.  Batman walked out from the shadows, and explained that he wouldn’t be able to move for days.  Batman saved him from death,  Flash asked how Batman saved him, but Batman only said, “You don’t wanna know”.


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