Friday, June 6, 2014

Writing starter 47

"It's dead.  There's nothing you can do for it.  Now hurry and get on the balloon!"
"Why should I?  What did you ever do make me want to go with you?"
"Nothing, but I'm starting with saving your life.  This island is falling apart, and as it stands, I'm the only way off it.  So hurry up and get on!"

Writing starter 46

"I just don't think it would work."
"Well it depends entirely on which ones we bring back."
"What happens if they defeat the zombies?"
"We'll just kill them."
"How is that an answer?  Nobody knows how to hunt dinosaurs.  Even if we do kill them, what do we do about killing them again?"
"I hadn't thought of the possibility of zombie dinosaurs... I guess we couldn't bring the Tyrannosaurus back.  They're skull is as hard as a diamond you know."
"I'm aware.  You know there is no way to bring the dinosaurs back anyway.  We couldn't do that before the zombie threat."
"Technically we would be bringing them back as a zombie in the first place.  That is the way we would do it."

Writing starter 45

"What do you think is the best movie ever?"
"The Hobbit series."
"No way, The Hobbit is good, but its nowhere near as good as The Dark Knight Returns."
"Don't you mean The Dark Knight Rises?"
"No, its an animated 2 part movie."
"No way can the best movie ever be an animated movie nobody has heard about."
"Plenty of people have heard about it.  If you are a Batman fan at all its a must watch."
"Well not everyone is a Batman fan."
"Yes they are."
"Good point."
"But the best movie really can't be an animated movie."
"What about Avatar or Frozen?  They were considered great movies."
"That's different they're 3D."
"It's not different, and this entire argument is based on opinion."

Writing starter 44

How could he tell everyone?  He knew it was supposed to be a secret.  If he was here I would have half a mind to strangle him.  If I hadn't told him, nobody would have found out.  Well, nobody really knows it was me, but I do.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Writing starter 43

Hi, I'm Stan, the high school janitor.

Yesterday, something freaky happened.  There was a meteor that crashed in the school, and I guess since I took a sick day, I was the only one unaffected by the radiation.

Everyone has turned into giant alligators and reside in the plumbing and the sewer system.

Writing starter 42

Once upon a time, in Fabletown, there was a man stealing everyone's happy endings.  Robin Hood, was the only person who could find out who it was.

Writing starter 41

There once was a duck, who was afraid of the water.  He would sit there all day at the shore, watching his friends swimming.  Until one day, a Lion came to the shore.
"Don't eat me!" The duck quickly remarked.
"Relax," said the Lion "I can not eat you, because I have no teeth.  Why are you not with the other ducks?"
"Because I'm afraid of the water"
"Well, I may not have any teeth, but I still face my fears.  The water won't hurt you."
"But what if I sink?"
"Impossible.  You were made to float."