Thursday, April 10, 2014

Writing starter 30

When I was young, I remember my favorite movie was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Or maybe it was the first Spiderman movie, I'm not sure.  I remember I would watch those two movies a lot though.  I loved those movies, which made no sense because both had a scene that absolutely terrified me.  In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the scene with the ride down the chocolate river scared me.  In Spiderman, the moment Norman Osborn became Green Goblin scared me.  I remember I watched these movies (as my child mind thought) 14 times in a day.  I have no idea why I loved these two movies, but I did, and now that I think about it, the scariest scene in the Chocolate Factory is when Augustus is stuck in the tube, because I'm claustrophobic.


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