Sunday, April 27, 2014

Writing starter 40

It was a quiet Christmas morning, when everyone was asleep.  There were but 2 children awake.  They couldn't sleep, they were too excited.  In a few short hours they would be opening presents!  They sat at the window, staring at the snow, when suddenly something changed.  The snow wasn't snow.  It started changing color, changing to blue and pink.  It was no longer cold, and no longer water,  it was cotton candy! They woke their parents who then called the neighbors, who called their neighbors and neighbors.  The candy was plush, and sweet, and colorful.  But soon the real reason is revealed.  A mad scientist had changed the weather to make everyone eat the candy, which made them want to buy a strange pet from that weird store on 3rd street.

Writing starter 39

Down on 3rd street, there is a strange pet shop, called pink kittens.  Which is ironic because they don't sell kittens, or pink.  They sell genetically altered pets, mouse-ferrets, dogfish, guinea-rabbits, all sorts of weird animals, in all sorts of colors and patterns.  The thing is they are made by a mad scientist who may be from the future, because even though it's 2020, not much has changed since 2015.

Writing starter 38

I remember when I was a kid, there was this guy at the end of the street who literally ate everything.  He lived in a chewed up house, his pool was always empty because he drank out of it, and the neighborhood pets were afraid of him.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Writing starter 37

I hate peas
their nasty
and gross
and stinky
"Honey, stop playing with your food"
I guess I'll try them
they just don't taste right
I guess
they're not that bad
I ate peas.

Writing starter 36

Clarence the cow was fast asleep. He was dreaming about lying in a field of hay. That was his favorite kind of dream. Just then, in his dream, a huge black cloud drifted in the sky above him. He looked up and stared at the cloud for a few seconds. That’s when he realized that it wasn’t a cloud and it wasn’t a dream. It was a nightmare.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Writing starter 35

A duck walks up to your main character and says, “Why didn’t you see the tree? You were looking right at it.”
"I didn't see it because it doesn't exist."
"Of course it exists, you are talking to a duck."
"Good point."

"The Great Deku Tree was back there, don't you want to talk to him?"
"No, he won't do anything for me, so why even try."
"Why try?  Because the only reason we are here is because the Hero of Time went to see the Tree, and he had no reason to go."
"Well I'm not the hero of anything."
"No, you're not. Not yet."
"Not ever."

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Writing starter 34

You think just cuz I'm old that I cant be "hip"?  I'll show you hip, I'm gonna wash the graffiti like you've never seen graffiti get washed.

Writing starter 33

Actually, now that I think about it, if I just stand against the blue I'll blend right in.  They'll never see me coming.

Writing starter 32

If kids want to vandalize, at least put effort into it.  They just stopped, no attempt to go higher or nothin'.

Writing starter 31

The craziest part about my family is their ability to time things.  We never think anything of timing at all, yet things end up strange anyway.  For instance, just two days ago I got my wisdom teeth pulled.  Yeah, ouch.  But now, my Dad, 60 years old, is getting his pulled, tomorrow.

Writing starter 30

When I was young, I remember my favorite movie was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  Or maybe it was the first Spiderman movie, I'm not sure.  I remember I would watch those two movies a lot though.  I loved those movies, which made no sense because both had a scene that absolutely terrified me.  In Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the scene with the ride down the chocolate river scared me.  In Spiderman, the moment Norman Osborn became Green Goblin scared me.  I remember I watched these movies (as my child mind thought) 14 times in a day.  I have no idea why I loved these two movies, but I did, and now that I think about it, the scariest scene in the Chocolate Factory is when Augustus is stuck in the tube, because I'm claustrophobic.

Writing starter 29

The place I feel most comfortable is right at my computer.  The only people there are my friends, and I don't have to deal with any noises, smells, or problems when sitting there.  The only thing I need to think about is a terrible joke to make my friends groan.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Poem 8

Dear games,
I'm sorry I haven't played
been sick
parents rules
not allowed to play you while I'm sick.
in my time away
I have been modding
you will be completely new
it has been to long
I crave gameplay
I need more
I always need more
I miss you games,
I'll be with you soon,
In aboooout

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Poem 7

The heat was coming like a snail on ice,
Spring was almost non-existent this year,
The cold was as bad as a head of lice,
Seeing it go may make some shed a tear.

The house would finally heat all around,
The dog would endlessly shed its winter coat,
The ice would melt without making a sound,
It finally melts and ends up afloat.

My chores will be back for spring cleaning time,
It won't be stuffy with windows open,
My parents will be buying stuff like limes,
I'll be sick of doing everything, slopin'.

Green grass would replace the snow on the lawn,
Revealing where all the dog shit has gone.